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jail ministry
We begin developing relationships early, while our young men are still in jail. Our focus at this stage in the ministry is to build trust.
Christ sharing relationships.
Gospel Urgency:
Virgin birth
Jesus' perfect life
Jesus' substitutionary death
The Resurrection of Jesus
New Life
Real-life talk.
Fatherhood classes:
"No correction = No Direction"
Ministry partnerships
Illinois Youth Center St. Charles
Average Daily Population: 350
We reach out to the residential cottages where youth can be sentenced form 6 months to multiple years.
One on one mentoring
Bible Studies
We go to Intake processing only
Gospel message is presented
Illinois Youth Center Warrenville
Average Daily Population: 70
We partner and train Wheaton College students to bring the love of Christ to these young people.
They currently have ministry in this institution Monday thru Friday, running programs from:
Bible studies
One on One mentoring
Poetry nights
Rap workshops
Music classes
Future partnerships
River Valley Juvenile Detention Center
Kane County Jail
Kane County Juvenile Detention Center
ministry volunteer sites
Will County Adult Detention Facility
We help facilitate Christian Bible Study classes on Monday evenings
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